Text Engagerr

What if:

  • there was a way to get viewers ATTENTION that they would watch your video to the end and gain business from it?
  • there was a way to create the perfect video that anyone using a Smartphone already does now?
  • you could be one of the 1st businesses to use this cutting-edge technology right now?

Watch and See for Yourself

It would be GREAT for business, correct?

Introducing ‘Text Engagerr’

What is Text Engagerr

Text Engagerr is a New, Cutting Edge, video technology…

that uses Text Stories in real life converted into a TXT/SMS Style Video, when watched will go viral and is a MUST for your video marketing tool box!

The chat back-and-forth could be a representation to look like it’s between you and anyone (Be it your customer, staff, a sales representative or any 2 fictional characters).

You can talk about your business, a service you have or just about anything you can think of…..THINK OF ALL THE POSSIBILITIES!


Why use Text Engagerr

Since Text Engagerr is text story telling and if you’ve viewed our site, we produce doodle videos, animated videos and so on…

We decided to combine psychology & technology in story telling to create a video so powerful, that viewers will watch and follow along with the story you’re telling.

If your text story is funny, uplifting or pitching your business, viewers are COMPELLED to watch. When watching, your message will be heard.

But in a way that people do every single day…and that is via their smart phone and texting!

2 Different ‘Styles’ of Text Engagerr

For your Social Media Posts and Ads

Since these are vertical videos, they don’t look good on your website. They are meant ONLY for your Social Media Posts and Ads. Vertical videos work well in these marketing mediums.

For your Business Website

Using the normal view of horizontal size, you can have an engaging video with  people texting and then add the vertical Text Engagerr video along side of them, creating a POWERFUL message!

1st Style is for Your Social Media

Engage your viewers in your Social Media content

We all understand that Social Media is a powerful platform. It’s just not enough to add content, you have to engage your viewers.

Since we all use our mobile phones to text friends, family and business contacts, why not mimic this ‘style’ and add that ENGAGEMENT that is missing in your posts! It truly will ENGAGE and have folks talking!

Create that WOW factor

We all know how important it is now days to impress your viewers so they not only stick around, but come back, correct?

Text Engagerr will do just that! It will create that eye-candy so their eyes will be glued to the video. And that, is your WOW factor!

Watch and See for Yourself

Watch and See for Yourself

2nd style is for Your Business Website

Text Engagerr for your website

Pair up your Facebook Text Engagerr with a video-in-video production.

By adding your Text Engagerr within a POWERFUL video, it will compel viewers to visit your FB page, and they’ll be ENGAGED!

Custom Personalized backgrounds

– Access the most cutting edge, never seen before, video technology in the market!

– Let’s create a conversation that will catapult views, and engage your audience like never before!

– Think about it…. A Personalized Custom Video where you OR your clients are the STARS of the video!

Think about this ‘style’. It’s very POWERFUL!

Watch and See for Yourself
One Person Texting

Watch and See for Yourself
Two people Texting

We bundle the Text Engagerr for your Social Media and Website Version…

to convert as many eyeballs as possible!

Text Engagerr Features

Lets look at 9 ‘Video Engagerr’ Features

Different Screen Choices

– There are 4 different ‘screen or skin’ choices to pick from.
1) IMessage – has a clean white background.
2) Facebook – use the default or any image you want.
3) Whatsapp – you can provide any background you want.
4) Telegram – again, background of your choice.

– So, as you can see, with these options that are available, you’ll find one that will suit your needs!

Add Images

– You can have any image you want and have it appear where you want it.
– This will take your communications to the next level with this feature.
– Now, just think about all the possibilities that you have!

Add GIFs

– Just like in real life, we’re sure you add GIFs to your texts every now and then, correct? Now you can do the same with this platform!
– This is a fantastic way to showcase a product you may be marketing.
– This will give movement to a message that otherwise may be flat.

Add Emojis

– Okay, what would be a text conversation without some Emojis?
– We have you covered!
– You can sprinkle emojis where needed.
– They can be added per text bubble OR every now and then. You decide what would suit your message the best!

Group Conversations

– We all have, at some point, needed to text more than one person, correct?
– As you know, you can set up your device for group conversations.
– This is the easiest and fastest way to communicate with multiple people at once. Then they all can respond, and the ‘group’ will know what each person stated.
– You can do this too in Text Engagerr! When we discuss your script, just mention group conversations and we’ll make sure you have a Text Engagerr that will show this feature!

Edit Text (Delete & Retype)

– Okay, we must confess. This is one of our favorite features.
– Have you ever started typing something to someone and just prior to sending that message, you noticed that you need to CHANGE the message? Well, you delete what you typed and retype it, correct?
– You can have this too!
– Just imagine having something being typed out then changing it to suit the conversation. Maybe use this to change your Call-to-Action at this end?

True Showable Typing of Text

– There may be similar platforms in the market, but do they simulate the typing of a mobile device?
– We have you covered. In the ‘Social Media’ option of Text Engagerr, your viewers will SEE what is being typed out.
– How cool is that? Not only will Text Engagerr simulate real texting, but a viewer will SEE the actual keypad and what is being typed, letter-by-letter!

closed caption feature

Multiple Language Support

– So, do you need a Text Engagerr in another language besides American English for your viewers?
– We got you covered.
– Just let us know and provide the script in the language of choice and it will appear just like it would on your phone.
– But please, nothing offensive, ok?

Video / Image Backgrounds

– Here’s where we take it to the next level.
– You want this for your website OR landing page and a vertical video just won’t work. We understand, due to it won’t!
– We can take the core of the text message and overlay it to ANY video!
– Have it in the center, the right side or the left. It doesn’t matter, what DOES is the video.
– We’ll place it where it will NOT detract from the video, but will enhance it!

closed caption feature

Text Engagerr Benefits

7 Powerful Benefits you’ll GAIN from Text Engagerr

More Exposure

By using Text Engagerr in your Social Media, you’ll gain more Exposure

Social Sharing

Incorporating Text Stories using Text Video Ads into your Social Media, you’ll see them sharing them

Gain new clients

When you use First-to-Market technology that delivers engagement, you’ll create new clients

Add GIFs and Images

We can add any animated GIF and IMAGES into the conversation just like you’d use when texting someone

Engage your viewers

Social Media (FB) is all about engagement. Once your audience sees a Text Engagerr in YOUR post, you’ll be engaging them in a NEW and Creative way

Increase sales

Once you have them engaged by texting a story, you can sell them on why to purchase from you, and that in turn will increase your sales

Increase your ROI

Once we have created your Text Engagerr with a story-line that engages your target audience, using this technology correctly, your sales will increase and you’ll be coming back for more creative stories. So, if it engages, increases sales, then you’ve increased your ROI

In Today’s World of data over-load….

They say the Attention-Span of the average audience viewing data is that of a goldfish…
3-7 seconds!

What If… You could get UNDIVIDED ATTENTION of your viewers with your next Facebook video – like you see in the examples above?

So… now what, right?


What We Need



What You Get


Got Questions? Click your Button of choice below


  • Have your Business be FIRST to MARKET!
  • Tell your Story!
  • Engage your Viewers with Text Styled Story Videos!
  • Convey your message that gets seen and heard!
  • Lets work together TODAY so your FB business page (and website) has the videos that engages, entertains and converts sales!
  • Our only Question is:




What we Need
  • After payment, we'll need the script for video (we can help write this if requested)
  • A Splash Image - if opting for this, we'll need to know what you want to say
  • Any GIFs / IMAGES that will accompany your conversation
  • Contact information (business name, phone number) and any NAMES that you want to be added to the text conversation
  • Smartphone Wrapper - If wanted (we will use a black iPhone wrapper, or equivalent)
  • If opting for the website 1920x1080 HD video, we will reach out to you for this. (Plus, if any branding will be on it as well as other creation elements)

Our only Question is: If bundling, HOW OFTEN do you want your Text Engagerr VIDEOS TO BE DELIVERED? (weekly, monthly or for special occasions)

What you Get
  • The Text Engagerr Video (1080x1920 HD)
  • A Splash Image - what you see prior to clicking the video (Optional: this is an extra design fee charge)
  • Instructions on how to add the Splash Image to your Facebook Post
  • Smartphone Wrapper - If wanted, we can render your Text Engagerr video with a Smartphone outer case
  • If opted for, a 1920x1080 HD accompanying video for your website
  • Our only question is:
    > How Many Text Engagerrs Do YOU Want?