Social Media Videos

A Social Media Video...
will convey your message better than images OR text in a way that viewers will not only watch till the end, but will understand
A Social Media Video...
enables you to be concise while getting your viewers attention within the first few seconds
Social Media Videos....
will BOOST your following and using creative storytelling will enable you to keep them coming back for more
Top 3 reasons you NEED Social Media Videos

will Boost your conversations and sales

Using Videos...
Builds Trust and more likely to engage viewers emotions better than images or text

can communicate your message the quickest and will encourage your viewers to share the video. If done correctly, your Social Media Videos will has higher post engagement. After all, don’t you want viewers to view your video as well as have it be engaging?

What your mind can conceive, we can achieve!
Here Are Just a Few Different Styles We Offer
Square Videos
What is a Square Video
– A Square Video is square in size with a 1:1 ratio and is viewable better than a regular 16:9 ratio video.
– Since we view our smart phone vertically, by creating a square video, one does NOT have to rotate their phone horizontally. They can just click and watch!
– Square Videos are now the new standard size for social media, and feel larger than the 16:9 ratio videos.
– So, if you can create a better experience for your viewers, than why not go square?
So, what are you waiting for? Contact Us TODAY!
Square Video Wrappers
What is a Square Video Wrapper
– A Square Video Wrapper is a video or image that ‘wrappers’ around a square video so it not only looks better but it captures viewers attention better.
– It replaces that ugly BLACK bars on the top and bottom of the video.
Want to Know More about Square Video Wrappers
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Vertical Videos
What is a Vertical Video
– A Vertical Video (also known as ‘portrait mode’) is just as it sounds. It’s vertical with a 9:16 ratio. It’s the reverse of a regular size video.
– If a square video is a better mobile viewing experiance then a 19:9 ratio, then a vertical sized video is even a better experiance than a square sized video.
– A Vertical Video will fill up the entire mobile screen so one can be totally immersed in viewing your video.
– With IGTV, Facebook and other Social Media platforms embrassing this ‘style’ of video….no matter if you like these or not, it’s here to stay.
So, what are you waiting for? Contact Us TODAY!
Promo Videos
What is a Promo Video
– A Promo Video is a Promotional Video.
– It can promote most anything your business does. It can promote a Sale, Event, or even an up coming launch.
– Now days, since a video needs to be short and to the point, creating a Promo style video will get your message across and engage your viewer in a way that an image or text cannot.
Don’t wait, contact us today and lets create a Promo video!
Text Engagerr
What is Text Engagerr
– A Text Engagerr is a Video that looks like a normal text conversation you’d have on your mobile device.
– To better understand this FIRST TO MARKET technology, watch the video then click the button below.
Prepare to be impressed at this style of video!
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Audio Visualizerr Videos
What is a Music Visualizerr Video
– It’s a vertical (1080-1920) video that goes on social media.
– It will have your personal audio (you’d supply us with your .mp3), on it as well as your branded images, logo and text content to go along with what you are saying. There is a waveform/spectrum that moves to the sound of your voice.
– It has been proven that your viewers will STOP and watch the waveform move. When they do, they will retain what you are saying!
– Break through all the clutter of images, videos and such and get your message heard!
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Music Visualizerr Videos
What is a Music Visualizerr Video
– It’s a video that partners sound and images together. The images then animate to the sound of the music that is playing. When viewing this, you’ll see the peaks and valleys in the animated image(s) when the music is playing.
– Now, just think what you can do on your Social Media pages…you can have a Audio Video!
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And, lets not forget about Doodle Videos
What is a Whiteboard Doodle Video
– A WhiteBoard Doodle Video is a video that draws text and images so it looks like one is drawing on a whiteboard.
– Pavcomm has been designing these syles of videos since 2013. When designed correctly, they are very powerful and watched till the end.
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Scroll Stoppers
What is a Scroll Stopper Video
– In short, a ‘Scroll Stopper’ is a Square sized social Media Video
– This video has the look as if it was a post and in between 2 posts, an image appears to come at you. Sort of like a 3D movie when wearing those 3D glasses.
– They can be placed as a normal video post
– They can be video ads that you run
– When purchasing a Scroll Stopper, we can change the image/video background as well as the text. On some we can even add your business logo
Want to Know More about these 'Scroll Stopper' Videos
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Why do you need to invest in Social Media Videos for your Business
No matter which ‘Style’ of videos you have, they all serve a purpose. When done correctly, they bring VALUE to your business and VALUE to the viewer.
With Social Media today, what does the viewer REMEMBER from visiting your page? They need to REMEMBER you. We’ll design a video that will do that for you!
Great Engagement
Viewers watch videos! When you have an engaging video that is well designed, your viewers will watch it and most importantly, they watch it till the end
Take Your Viewer Engagement to the next level!
- Social Media Videos increase your ROI
- Videos have better engagement than text OR images
- Engage your Viewers with NEW Styles of Videos
- Visitors like watching GOOD Videos!
- Let’s work together TODAY so you can have the videos that that YOU want which engages, entertains and converts sales!
- Our only Question is: