Social Media ‘Scroll-Stopper™’ Videos
If you are looking for...
videos that make your viewer stop in their tracks and watch your video…these will work!
If you need EyeBall Glue...
so your viewers will just watch your video and say “WOW’, these will do the job!
If you're in need for...
something different in the way of videos that will have Maximum ENGAGEMENT, then look no farther, these will be that ONE thing that you’re looking for.
So, what’s a Scroll-Stopper™
What Exactly is a Scroll-Stopper Video
– It’s a Square Video that looks like a real Social Media Post.
– They have an animated overlay, whereas an image appears to be jumping off the page. It takes on a 3D appearance.
– Each one has a specific appearance. Whereas there may be a plane, insect or snow (for example) that moves across the image.
– Each Scroll-Stopper has one or two backgrounds. They can be either a still image OR a video.
– Each one of these are CUSTOM created, so we can design ANYTHING you want! (within reason of course)
Why Use Pavcomm
– Each Scroll-Stopper is CUSTOM designed. NO cookie-cutters here! From the images/video backgrounds to the style and of course the STOPPER itself!
– We will incorporate your BRANDING colors as well as logo into your Scroll-Stopper.
– We make sure that your MESSAGE comes across to the viewers.
– You will also have a Call-to-Action at the end so you can TELL your viewer what to do next!
– Be it for your posts or your ads, Light or Dark backgrounds, to a one or two images, we make sure the ‘STYLE’ fits the message!
Lets take a look at a few Customized Scroll-Stoppers™
Images Verses Scroll-Stoppers…
What Gets YOUR Attention?
Different ‘Styles’ between Posts and Ads
For your Facebook Posts
– This ‘Style’ of a Scroll-Stopper is fine to post on your business page.
– Since this is a post and not a paid ad, you can use the Facebook ‘style’ which is the icons, the Like, Comment and Share placements and so on.

For your Facebook Ads
– This ‘Style’ of a Scroll-Stopper is fine to post on your business page.
– Unlike the ‘post’ style, when you’re paying for ads, you can’t have any FB ‘like’ icons / layout. So, we delete the ‘style’ and you’re now good to go!

Stand Out...
from all the other business social media pages. After all, don’t you want your viewers to remember you?

Mass Appeal..
When a viewer comes across a ‘Scroll Stopper’, they watch it (most will watch several times) and will remember it. They appeal to all demographics and age groups.

If it’s for a post OR for an ad, we’ll CUSTOMIZE it for YOUR needs. Since these are ALL created from scratch in-house, they can range from $49.00 to $199.00 (it depends on the assets, labor & time put into it). Just ask for your needs, and we’ll quote you a fair price.
We’ve found that these style videos ENGAGE and GET WATCHED
Want to see more Scroll-Stoppers™ in Action?
Okay, now that we sparked your interest...
– By now, you’ve viewed a few and see how they will draw in the eye-balls and STOP viewers in their tracks.
– All the above Scroll-Stoppers are our VERSION 2 and are created in-house without ANY 3rd party help.
– If you are looking for a more cost effective means to get the same effect, try our VERSION 1 creations.
– Click the button to the right and pick from the vast selection we have to offer you!
Click to see more Scroll-Stoppers...
- Our ‘Version 1 templates’
- They’re competitively affordable starting at $49.00
What can be changed OR added
- Version 1 Scroll-Stoppers™ can have one or two background images. It can either have an image OR a video(s) as the backgrounds.
- Version 2 is fully Customizable to suit
- The message is paramount.
- There is not much text on these, so we make sure the content is King!
- Creating video ads?
- We made sure it’s compliant for use.
- See for yourself the ROI and increased engagements.
So, why not pick-up a ‘Scroll-Stopper’™ video or two today!
- These ‘styles’ of videos have better engagement than normal videos as well as text OR images
- YOUR viewers deserve POWERFUL videos that ENGAGE
- We’ll work hard so your viewers engage with you!
- Let’s work together TODAY so your business has a video that WILL Engage, Entertain and Converts into Sales!
- Our only Question is: