Enterprise \ Agency Videos
If you service clients...
they need videos. Videos will convey their message better than images OR text. Our creations will get their viewers engaged as well as get watch till the end
We're a Full Service Company...
that can create ALL STYLES of videos for your clients needs. From Explainer to Social Media
We're your One Stop Shop...
for anything to do with your clients videos. We’ll work with you to maximize call-to-actions and create compelling videos that will ENGAGE
3 Reasons to Outsource your Videos and use Pavcomm

with the widest selection of video styles, you can be assured we can create ANY video your client wants and needs!

Since 2013 and with hundreds of clients, we know a thing or two about creating videos that engage and creates a call-to-action!

Time is money. We’ll customize a package for your Agency so you get the best of both worlds. (Professionally designed videos at a price that will work for your client’s quotes, and where you too can profit.)
What your clients want, we can create! We work for you!
Below Are Just a Few Different Styles We can Offer your Agency
Explainer Videos
What is an Explainer Video
– An Explainer Video communicates a Company’s business.
– It can promote most anything your client’s business does. It can promote a Sale, Event, or even an up coming launch.
– With different ‘Styles’ of this, it can be a Promo, a Character, Animated or even a Kinetic Typography Video. They need to be short and engaging.
Don’t wait, contact us today and lets create some Explainer videos for your clients!
Want to Know More about Explainer Videos
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3D Logo Animations
What is a 3D Logo Animation
– A 3D Logo Animation is a 5-10 second video that animates your clients Logo OR image using a POWERFUL animated styling video.
– They’re meant to be a branding tool to showcase your client’s Logo (or any text/image) using their branding colors and style.
– They can appear to be over the top, but in reality, they are done that way for a reason. It’s a WOW FACTOR!
Want to Know More about 3D Logo Videos
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Square Videos
What is a Square Video
– A Square Video is a 1:1 ratio video and is viewable better than a regular 16:9 ratio video.
– Since we view our smart phone vertically, by creating a square video, one does NOT have to rotate their phone horizontally. They can just click and watch!
– Square Videos are now the new standard size for social media, and feel larger than the 16:9 ratio videos.
– See how we can help your client’s viewers experience. Contact us and see what we can create!
Square Video Wrappers
What is a Square Video Wrapper
– A Square Video Wrapper is a video or image that ‘wraps’ around a square video so it not only looks better but it captures viewers attention better.
– It replaces that ugly BLACK bars on the top and bottom of the video.
Want to Know More about Square Video Wrappers
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Vertical Videos
What is a Vertical Video
– A Vertical Video (also known as ‘portrait mode’) is just as it sounds. It’s vertical with a 9:16 ratio. It’s the reverse of a regular size video.
– If a square video is a better mobile viewing experience then a 19:9 ratio, then a vertical sized video is even a better experience than a square sized video.
– A Vertical Video will fill up the entire mobile screen so one can be totally immersed in viewing your video.
– With IGTV, Facebook and other Social Media platforms embarrassing this ‘style’ of video….no matter if you like these or not, it’s here to stay.
Find out how you can better assist your clients by using Vertical videos in their campaigns today.
Text Engagerr Videos
What is Text Engagerr
– A Text Engagerr is a Video that looks like a normal text conversation you’d have on your mobile device.
– To better understand this FIRST TO MARKET technology, and how your clients will thank you, watch the video then click the button below.
Prepare to be impressed at this style of video!
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Music Visualizerr Videos
What is a Music Visualizerr Video
– It’s a video that partners sound and images together. The images then animate to the sound of the music that is playing. When viewing this, you’ll see the peaks and valleys in the animated image(s) when the music is playing.
– Imagine what you can supply to your clients when you take their Audio, and transfer it to a mesmerizing video!
Want to Know More about Music Visualizerr
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And, lets not forget about Doodle Videos
What is a Whiteboard Doodle Video
– A WhiteBoard Doodle Video is a video that draws text and images so it looks like one is drawing on a whiteboard.
– Our bread and butter videos. We’ve been designing these styles of videos since 2013. When designed correctly, they are very powerful and watched till the end. You NEED this style in YOUR video portfolio!
See Why Your Clients NEED Whiteboard Doodle Videos
Then Click the Button Below and….
Why investing in us is a smart choice for your Agency and your clients
Your Clients NEED Videos in their marketing. No matter which ‘Style’ of videos they want OR need, we can CUSTOM create them for you.
No matter where you outsource videos, you need to TRUST them. We have been a local staple in the Phoenix, AZ area since 2013 designing videos for businesses.
It’s important that you team up with a company that can produce QUALITY videos for your clients, at a price that works for your Agency. We can HELP!
Help your clients get the very best engaging video they can!
- Partnering with Pavcomm, will INCREASE your ROI
- Videos have better engagement than text OR images
- YOUR clients deserve POWERFUL videos that ENGAGE
- We’ll work hard behind the scenes and you’ll get all the CREDIT!
- Let’s work together TODAY so your clients will have the videos that WILL Engage, Entertain and Converts Sales!
- Our only Question is: